
WoW hasn't been an Excel Spreadsheet game for 90% of the gamers since Wrath (about 6 years now). THere was a time where to play your class effectively you needed tons of help, but they've simplified most things, and they removed a lot of the chaff. There's always that segment who will do almost anything to powergame

Correction: The most expensive mount in the game is not the Mosshide, it's the Alliance Chopper. Last year, as a promotion during the dead period between Siege of Orgrimmar and WoD, they had an event where Paul Jr. of American Choppers had two teams of builders make Horde and Alliance themed bikes, and fans voted.


Did anyone learn about lighting prior to 1986?

Let's also not forget the idea that Pokemon we follow is also after a great war - we see the Sargent who is a gym leader, and no one is around who seems over 20 or so, who isn't significantly older. Pokemon were used as weapons. Now they're kids toys - the way kids post-WWII played with soldiers and guns.

If I recall, Starship Bistromath wasn't FASTER than the Heart of Gold, but it was safer than Infinite Improbability.

Bang bang!

Well, in the prior, they're not really riffing on Gender - they're riffing on Pro-Wrestling, which has had these sort of gender-bender characters for ever (going back to the 50's with Gorgeous George, Adorable Adrian Adonis in the 80's, more recently with Goldust in the 90's). All the Robots had traditional wrestling

The Confederacy was obsessed with symbols - and in the words of George Carlin, we should leave symbols for the symbol-minded.

The Confederacy was obsessed with symbols - and in the words of George Carlin, we should leave symbols for the symbol-minded.

You know, Po-Mo? Post Modern? Yeah, all right, weird for the sake of weird.

There's a great band called The Megas who do rock versions of the Mega Man themes - they've done Mega Man 2 and 3 (3 is a double album). I love 'em.

Well, in the comics remember, Ollie has almost always been GA (Well, not for a period in the 90's where he died and his son Connor took over… he got better. THank you Kevin Smith.) He was always booked as one of the elder statesman heroes - contemporary of Batman and Superman. Meanwhile there were several other

That'd be an awesome topic.

Honestly, at this point, I think Edmonton would appreciate the Oilers being taken off their hands…

Just keep reading these reviews. By Season 12 you'll understand everything.

None really, the Unicorns and Pegasi got over their troubles a long time ago. They devoted the Christmas show a few years ago to telling the story of why Earth Ponies, Pegasi and Unicorns all live together, in the form of a Holiday Pageant. My favorite thing was the government each group had: The Pegasi were a

…shut up!

Why is it I confabulate Berman and former WWE/WCW/TNA writer Vince Russo? they both seem cut from the same cloth of "sex it up and to hell with the fans."

I don't know if we were sticking just to television here, but in place of Home Movies, I would have liked Homestar Runner - it was hugely influential in early web animation, is still wickedly funny, and is enough to get people excited the rare times it still updates.