Dr. St. Ridley Santos

I think the problem is your premise that rich people wouldn’t care about making money. The reality is that making money is the only thing that can induce feeling in a rich person. In order to have any emotions at all, the rich must make money. Truly, they are deserving of our pity and our charity, in the form of

Anna, could I please get a follow for the slot?

I was seeing gyms with max CP max evolved pokemon by early yesterday. I could barely stay connected on the first day. How did all these people get so far so fast?

If only you could actually use your trainer club account.

Yup. You want to get rid of Mexicans? No Mexican food for you.

I’m sorry, Trump supporters, but your politics are against Mexican food. Or did you think you could have that while wanting to get rid of the Mexicans?

Joanna, small correction - it’s “pedal to the metal.”

I count several four-letter words there. Suck. Dick. Cunt. That.

The Biden abides.

Well, a whole lot more people are likely to discover Mai-Chan’s Daily Life, i guess.

I’m confused. I only see a podium and trash.

The name and profile picture are a creative misspelling of professional wrestler Chris Benoit, who killed his wife and son and then himself nine years ago this past week. He’s an obvious troll.

And if that doesn’t set off your righteous indignation, two more words will. Terry Schiavo.

Which is bullshit. I think I’d buried that so I wouldn’t have to think about it.

I’m imagining there was some confusion over what Prussia even was, figuring it was some odd way of saying Russia. Or scribal error.

if Jeb Bush or the kids he has with his Latina wife were claiming to be a minorities on government job applications,

To Roberts, Alito, and Thomas, this is my face right now.

A tied court also can’t set precedent. Scalia dying took this dumbass argument (in this case, saying that this way of trying to say the circuit courts aren’t doing it right if they rule in favor of Affirmative Action’s continued existence) off the table in the future, whereas a tie would have just kicked it down the

Parents hand the bootstraps to their children, and the straps have some cash conveniently taped to them. But those children pulled up those boot straps all on their own, darn tootin.