Dr. St. Ridley Santos

Cruz’s seduction face is awful.

Considering the nature of the book as basically a modern-day bestiary (complete with marginalia, as any good medieval-inspired text should be), I feel like this should be a fun magical riff on Steve Irwin more than anything else.

I still stand by this movie, primarily because the mosasaur was awesome.

Not much. Was in class during the debate. Would totally love to get in the black over here, though.

The words were placed in his mouth and allowed to escape. Don’t go leaving words in your mouth you don’t want falling out, bro. That’s careless misplacement of words, and it suggests carelessness in thought and other areas as well.

Bush’s involvement in this happened when I was in Middle School in Georgia, and was one of the first high-profile cases which cemented me in the direction of “Never be a Republican.” Jeb Bush, not George, planted that seed for me.

The point was refuting the idea that it wasn’t until advanced telescopes were invented that anyone came up with the idea of additional planets.

I’m not from a rich white neighborhood either. Working class army family, actually.

I consider [thing] to be [other thing] is a fine construction, and certainly a more common one than “consider [x] as [x]” where I am. You’re being quite silly, you know. The joke is deliberately simple because the target (Trump) is not worth expending the energy it would take to craft a complex joke.

There’s an implied ‘to be’ between the gerund phrase “getting someone pregnant” and the second gerund phrase “shooting to maim.” I’m sorry that you’re incapable of comprehending rather common syntactical structures.

It also shows in how he preserves the r in monstrous, turning it into monsterous.

I would consider Trump getting someone pregnant shooting to maim.

Maybe he only shoots to maim?

Wrong. Whom is the object of the verb or preposition (in this case, the verb itself), and used correctly. ‘To’ is not required to use ‘whom’ in a sentence.

The entire debate is silly gatekeeping in the first place. Might as well say that the only hard science fiction texts out there are in-universe nature guides, geological surveys, tech specs, and the like. Anything involving the least amount of story is cramming too much humanities in in the first place. And we all

It looks like it’s from the reboot, but all that suggests to me is that they’re drawing from stupid ideas in the first place.

Actually, Charon doesn’t quite orbit Pluto. It goes around Pluto, sure, but the center of gravity is not in Pluto the same way the center of gravity in planet-moon systems is. Pluto and Charon orbit a common center of gravity outside either body, making them a binary system.

Art style seems reminiscent of Mega Man and the old Alex Kidd games.