She didn’t eat bison cheeseburgers or achieve Cat Queen rank in Splatoon. I think I clearly had a better fourth than her.
She didn’t eat bison cheeseburgers or achieve Cat Queen rank in Splatoon. I think I clearly had a better fourth than her.
And only a little bit.
I have a feeling FIFA orchestrated the seeding in order to have a US-Japan rematch in the final as the most likely outcome. The US gets an easy path until the semifinals, Germany/France get to knock each other around in the quarters to then face the US tired in the semis, and Japan gets an easy path to the final.
One major game changer they figured out was Alex Morgan learning to flop. That sure helped them get that first goal.
I mean, I enjoyed both shows for what they were, but yeah, they’re just full of terrible.
She’s pretty much spot on.
To #2, it might be that other professors were doing peer evaluations and she said some of these things during such evaluations. I swear like a sailor while teaching, because fuck and shit are punctuation, but I’m smart enough put it away when another instructor is in my classroom.
Vote Assad. Evil and Equitable.
And this is yet another reason why money needs to be cut out of politics.
“When you give rights to the minority, you take rights away from the majority” - simpleton logic.
No, although it’s not entirely correct.
The OED is the best dictionary of English. It catalogs the language as it is actually used by people, slang and all. As it should.
As a Masshole, I’m pleased as well.
Perhaps if there were some process whereby games could be tested for bugs and issues before release, some stages before the final, ‘omega’ version is released, we wouldn’t see issues like this. What could this mysterious process ever be called, though? I am at a loss.
It’s annoying having to hold up my pants with one hand just in order to walk. Been beltless for two weeks since mine broke, and finally got a couple new ones.
It’s a double whammy, combining the Battle Flag (which was part of both the second and third national flags of the Confederacy) with a design based on the Stars and Bars (the first flag). It’s double racist.
Not being taught that themselves, I would hazard a guess that many men simply aren’t even aware that women are raised not to do such things.
Could be.
This is the best way for them to spend it. If they spent it toward making a difference, we’d rue the day - because they’d spend it making a difference in terms of dismantling reproductive rights, hurting LGBT people, and crushing people of color under their heels.