Also Bob Kane himself once said that Batman was inspired by Zorro.
Also Bob Kane himself once said that Batman was inspired by Zorro.
Great article. As a kid, I always thought that this movie was amazing; but after spending some time on internet, I had no idea that this movie was badly received by the critics and even hated by the public. Good to see it being appreciated.
Naah he never fought Terminator, Only Superman from DC did. Robocop, Alien & Predator fought Terminators before.
I believe Neil Gaiman's Sandman had more impact than Dark Knight Returns, in the sense that comics can also be seen as literature. I also believe Dark age of comics ended with Kingdom Come & Starman, this current age of comics is just the Modern age of comics.
If you want gritty Superman, then you should read Superman at Earth's End. Where Superman in Santa Claus's beard kills evil Hitler twins with world's biggest gun, in a story which is supposed to deliver an anti-gun message.
What did you find stupid about the script? i admit the whole angle of God killing Gibson's wife just to deliver clue to Gibson's family was just flawed but how can a "bad" ending actually wreck the other parts of the movie? if that so then Ninth Gate, A.I. , Sunshine even 2001 must be stupid movie too?
I am not…
They never tell why exactly aliens came on Earth anyway. Maybe all the moisture made them sick & they decided to leave like War of the Worlds? Besides not telling the reason or anything about those aliens makes it better. Its not necessary for those Alien's to have made sense to human characters in the movie, their…
I am surprised people are still so hung up on their water weakness. People get too caught up with the twist at the end and that somehow negates the rest of the movie. It was almost Lovecraftian till the bit weak ending where the Alien is finally revealed. What Signs has always excelled at was suspense and making it’s…