Saint Ma

Yessss. I have had social anxiety since birth and even though I share a lovely case of depression with my sister, she doesn’t understand the experience of an extreme introvert with social anxiety. I finally figured out that I need to draw this “cheer up” analogy for her so someone in my family will get it. They take

Same. I try to practice remembering other people’s minor follies over the years, and guess what, only a guy with a big booger in his nose comes to mind! I try to remind myself that the same applies to me. No one gives a f*** but us.

Facebook is the root of all evil.

I’m guessing he also had an ad where he shoots a gay abortion doctor eating arugula.

But but amateur work is the new haute couture! They exhausted everything else so now it’s all Honey Boo Boo with a glue gun.

Thank you thank you. 🙏🙏What a wonderful reply! I think I read a piece recently by a person who went through a tragedy and she basically listed all the ways friends and family failed to be helpful, or actually made things worse with their “support” and it had me feeling really uncertain and self-conscious. But you’re

You sound like me let’s be friends! I’ll give u my number seriously.

Sorry to hijack this but you’re one of the most thoughtful and wise commenters here. Friend just found it s/he’s hiv positive. Trying not to make it about me but wanting to be a good friend. People usually suck at this stuff and I’m hoping to avoid pitfalls and other falls. Ugh I even hate that I wrote this. Thank you

Back in like 1997 my friend prophesied that Chris Cornell would be dead next...I guess he had a good run considering his company and occupation. He should still be alive and we should celebrate aging rock stars better than we do.

D or a V too?

What about The Spice Rack where he brings in female Fox News on-air talent and sexually harasses them and then self-flagellates and cries. Sounds pretty catholic?

Can’t tell if the three-way floral-on-floral violence or the pregnant bunny is tackier.

Twenty bucks Trump loses because he can’t resist humping it.

This what I sound like public speaking.

Obvious racism aside, this also reminds me of Jane Eyre at the orphanage. “Vanity” even by means of natural beauty is sinful. Don’t force us godly men to lust after your luxurious hairdo, sluts.

In my world, feminism includes not enduring pain or discomfort, or wasting time on ‘beauty’ routines, including shaving, waxing, tweezing, bleaching, painting, applying bizarrely overpriced, pseudoscience-backed products, etc. But I guess if you’re a badass Wonder Woman and you say it makes you feel more confident,

Hello WW Underoos sister. ✊️

Yup. And ignorance of the law is no defense. My spidey sense thinks they didn’t expect to win, but to form/strengthen some back scratching bonds to pave the way/protect some gnarly money laundering that crosses dangerous lines between private and public sectors in both countries/other corrupt nations. But oops they

Hmmm, but why would Flynn have released that statement that he would squeal in exchange for immunity?? If he thought Trump would pardon him, why cross Trump like that?