Idk but her whole face and skinny nose in particular makes me nervous like a pug’s face does. Like, that can’t be functional.
Idk but her whole face and skinny nose in particular makes me nervous like a pug’s face does. Like, that can’t be functional.
Yeah, GAYLE! Fuck her to hell. I don’t care who your bff is.
Lots of roses jokes and no mention of the person WHO DIED because of this selfish bag of bricks. You’d have to be moving pretty fast in a truck to hit a tractor (I assume not a little Gator or something since this is in a farming community) to knock a person off and kill them. It’s possible the person flew forward and…
My mom does this to me to get my attention because I hate the phone and am a bit of a recluse. She once left a voicemail late on a Saturday night that just said, in a terse tone, “Call me back asap!”
Hahaha we introverts are all, “Husband who’s never home? Sold!”
I flew Hawaiian airlines for the first time recently and it was amazing. I wish they could spread some aloha all over this country.
At least the accuser got the fame and notoriety she was obviously seeking.
Ok so I’m a reluctant player but I work in the industry so ask me anything! I’ve also been an MOH and officiant so I’ve got a global viewpoint.
Sorry y’all but he clearly has bigger dreams and we shouldn’t rejoice in his retreat from his lowly current seat. He is aiming high for white dick American rights.
Based on my experience of men, he’ll have a huge audience. Congrats!
Notice how the settlements happened over more than a decade, and not until the cumulative story was reported by the NYT (I think right?) did advertisers pull ads, creating the vortex of Bad PR and Lost Profits to unseat the dick. That’s the lesson. Corporate interests are generally more liberal than prevailing…
It’s a good point, but an asshole losing his job is better than an asshole keeping his job.
Well melania looks like she’s doing a breast exam. What a pair of tits.
Np lol. I’ve seen this play out with friends and family many times. It’s like unplanned pregnancy “at the right time” enables women to leverage something society considers sacred, thinking it will solve a personal problem. One friend had just lost her mother and was trying to create a family (best reason of the lot),…
She’s naturally talented and lucky AF. I’m excited to see what she’s capable of when she experiences some hard knocks other than bodyshaming, and grows up little more. I’ve been gobsmacked by some of the writing on the show that hits these notes I’ve never seen or heard anywhere but my own head. But it usually happens…
Yeah it was still all about her. But if you ask me, having a baby is a supremely selfish act that masquerades as giving, and yes it does demand a certain extreme type of selflessness, but always in service to an extension or mirror of the self. I think the exchange with the whiny teenager was an effective catalyst for…
Are you an English major or a newspaper editor? There’s a difference. Also, smug bitch grammar comments are not the way to go here.
The Emerald Isle? Sorry.
And actually 57 out of59 hit their targets but DETAILS GUYS AMIRITE.
Would we really want the world to see this dumpster fire through the rose-colored lens of an effective smooth-talker though? I don’t want anyone to be spackling this crack with PR prowess or a silver tongue. Fuck that shit. Spicer is GREAT at her job.