
Trump is a war monger. He has turned his back of the sadistic killer Knox and will be the downfall of world wise peace. Trump is the scariest person in power :(

Great job Charlie, try to resort to personal insults and name calling whilst ranting on about a country's judicial system that you know nothing off, except by reading substandard literature published in the States. LOL. If you want to visit ANY country in the World, it should be clear to you that you do not

Yah, please go back to the Lebanon and see how you cope if you willingly break their laws compared to killing a room mate in Italy. Lets see if The Lebanon gives you repeated trials to declare your innocence, music lessons, educational lessons whilst in jail etc… or would the Lebanon just give you a deat sentence like

You should be on your knees thanking Italy that they do not have the death sentence as Knox would be awaiting her final meal soon. Maybe even testing a new death injection as an experiment. Oh no, in the US they experiment on the minorities first.

Are u taking the pee? Seen recent pics of how she has aged before her time with a face/lips full of herpes scabs? Yuk.

In your eyes only. Knoxy has the same common looks as literally thousands of other American grown women before their time, except, maybe the herpes features around her mouth which are not very becoming to most people. Ridiculous statement to compare a maybe killer with the looks of any actress that has caused no