I think in the case of some students, with very religious parents, BYU is their only chance to go to college. But yeah hopefully the minute they graduate they’ll tell them all to go to hell and join the secular world.
I think in the case of some students, with very religious parents, BYU is their only chance to go to college. But yeah hopefully the minute they graduate they’ll tell them all to go to hell and join the secular world.
If the religion you follow (likely through indoctrination from childhood) tells you that the god you worship hates you because of a defining aspect of yourself that has been with you since birth, i dunno...maybe leave that religion and find one that accepts you for who you are?
Dr. Burke and Dr. Yang (who almost got married) from Grey’s Anatomy were a black man and Asian woman.
You know that her “look” is her “look” because she was so traumatized by adult men sexualizing her teenage body that she took to wearing oversized clothes and other ways of covering up/ not showing her real body to protect herself, right?
Fuck that. You can be clinically depressed and have a shit ton of money or living paycheck to paycheck. If you believe mental health only affects people of a certain pay grade please do some research.
It also seems like she only got convicted because she was a woman. Men do shit like this all the time and I don’t see them being charged. I’m glad she’s out and I hope she’s able to live a productive life.
Not cute. He’s a fucking creep - plain and simple.
FYI, while he certainly is suffering and clearly in need of help, apparently the “Faces of Meth” line of commentary really makes him feel like crap about his physical & mental health issues... None of which have anything to do with meth.
I went to Kyoto and there are a large number of companies there who will dress you up in traditional costume for a day. You can dress up in a nice kimono, but for a higher price, you can dress up like a maiko or geiko. Any geishas you would meet in the streets would actually be dressed up tourists. I went and dressed…
We don’t know if the white walkers are the only ones that can raise the dead or where that comes from. There is a theory that many if not all of the main houses are telepaths and all their powers happen to coincide with their sigils. Like Starks warg dire wolves but they could warg other animals. In the books, they do…
I hope not. Here’s why - all her life, Brienne has liked those pretty, handsome boys. She’s a lady, who in spite of her size and skill, wants to be treated and respected a lady. She doesn’t want a towering oaf, a coarse slob - she hates that kinda man. Jaime, in spite of how completely damaged he is, is her type, and…
Nope. 7 eps this season (two more) 6 next.
I heard the episodes are pretty pretty good...
I say la Kwa because I am originally from Canada and French words get French pronunciations. I can’t even bring myself to say La Croy because that is not how Croix is pronounced. It’s reflex, I can’t help it.
*record scratch, Gauloise falls from hand*
I have a weird nostalgia around Chicken Soup for the Soul. It reminds me of church camp, confirmation classes. Being a tweenager that wasn’t so cynical and skeptical.
More Justine fun facts:
She referred to herself as “Juzzy Wuzzy” (her maiden name is/was Rusczyk) whenever she was talking about “woo woo” stuff.
Justine was a dear friend who was horrified about police violence and committed to making the world better in every way. She had just picked out her wedding dress last week and was so excited to show me. She was texting me trying to get me to go to “dance church” with her on sunday morning, but instead I went to a…
The uber rich, police commissioners, journalists...this shit sounds like a party at Wayne Manor. How come the Joker never crashes these types of events IRL?