
I’m going to pretend I did this too.

No one is arguing that Jeyne isn’t raped in the book — they are saying Sansa isn't raped in the books. Dick.


Additionally, and this isn’t really getting discussed, by giving her Jeyne’s story they have totally erased the Alayne storyline from the books. i get that the whole process of Sansa becoming Alanye is dull but it is also crucial to understanding her as a character.

It’s almost like they said - well we wanna have Theon do his Jeyne Poole story really bad so we’re just going to ignore how dumb it is for Baelish and the Boltons to do all of (form a pointless alliance, reveal Sansa’s whereabouts to everyone in the North and to Cersei, to PISS OFF Cersei majorly, to have Baelish

This episode just keeps getting worse.

Agreed. My hopes and dreams for Sansa in the books are really more of a fantasy than the book series.

The Jeyne Poole section of the books is so overkill gross - I agree GRRM is also a huge jerk. Ugh I just want to pretend the whole thing never happened/


It’s called lazy ass writing.

They could have moved the timeline of the wedding to correspond with the invasion, and simply skipped the rape. They may have even threatened the rape or some kind of danger - such as a hostage situation - but allowed Sansa to escape in the melee. (Obviously, there are PLENTY of ways to reveal Ramsay as a brutal

I have an issue with this. Can you get consent from a 13 year old girl who was sold into a forced marriage? I think Dany comes to truly love Drogo but I don’t think the show handled it terribly differently from the books. The rape of Cersei in the sept is the crossed line IMO. People want to say that Jaime actually

Who’s to say worse stuff isn’t coming?

I’ve read all the books. Next.

Yes, you opaque troll.

She was forced to have sex. That’s the definition of rape.

Yeah, she was raped.

LBR - the showrunners are running out of road. They prob have no NEW source material beyond what’s been released on the internet. Their mediocrity really shines when they begin to make big alterations.

I feel like no one is referencing Cersei’s rape last season. It was another instance where we all had to pretend like that shit never happened because it was SO BAD. Everyone hated it D&D why did you do it again!>?@

She knew when she married him she’d have to have sex. Not be raped in front of Theon.