
You haven’t seen any because only one political party is being attacked by hackers trying to influence the election.

From the link that Low Hanging Fruit provided above:

Global, I also wonder, if his ass has been on “hundreds” of dates, and doesn’t want anything serious, why the HELL keep tormenting perfectly nice strangers. And if his ass isn’t interested or open to a relationship blossoming into a relationship WHY DOES HE NEED TO KNOW THE TRUTH?!?!

I stopped for several seconds after reading “Like Atlas” to marvel at the ability of men to think such a small thing as carrying a conversation is akin to the world on your shoulders. The manbaby is strong with this one.

So, message to my fellow men: This behavior is a huge sign of immaturity.

According to an update from the Post, he also sent her “the location of a lecture he thought she might like,” and, a few days last, “a picture of a Belgian ale he thought she’d enjoy.”

Thanks. I didn’t really think TWERFs lurked/commented here but that’s on me. :/ Yikes.

Thank you! This was an amazingly well put response, and I’m glad someone is calling this person out on their entitlement-I’m kind of burned out by these comments at this point, and didn’t have the spoons to do it myself :)


I’ve got to assume you’re trolling at this point to have such an incredibly biased, ignorant and one-sided viewpoint.

I think this is what they call projection. Recognizing you are actually the entitled asshole has really been the foundation for many allies joining various social rights movements, so its not too late to catch up!