Good Game Ninty.
Good Game Ninty.
Joy Ride...the first game to utilize their new motion device?
@undefined: Of course! But if it would have appeared as a longer, more thought out comment, this conversation would have never started! I think. I dunno.
Ivy has some nice boobs, but she still lacks arse. Makes me sad.
@siggy13: Not even out in Japan yet. Maybe it'll be at next year's E3. Well, it should be.
@abort_user: Yeah, don't see why many people thought it was a PSP2. If you actually paid attention to the information that has been coming out over the past couple of months, there was in no way that was going to happen.
People must understand that they probably won't see dual analog nubs until the PSP2.
@Hraesvelgr: You just made me very sad.
@qibsss: Hooray!
I'm so happy right now that I will cry.
@MoeB: What's so "lol" about it? The Joker is The Joker.
@natescottphilips: Yay!
@expansionsss: KOS-MOS from Xenogears? Wha?????
Portable Ops 2 is the best choice.
Mega Man, of course.
@qibsss: It's been rumored that XSeed is going to do it. They're pretty good. They basically cover the Wild ARMs games for us now.
@zero_kirby: Correction. THE YEAR!
@Elly: You would probably kill whoever spanked you and called ya Pinky. ;)
@Konstrix: No happiness!
@Archaotic: Oh yeah. I remember you told me about this.