Saint Anima

Hopefully Santa treats me well this Christmas, PS3 game wise. I need it...

I'll keep beating the Breath of Fire bush until my wish is granted.

Heh. Interesting, since I'm playing through the game again for Trophies. Sadly, since this is "Exclusive", I guess I won't have a taste of this. :(

There are some others that I would have included (Star Ocean First Departure, Dragon Quest IV), but overall a very good list.

@animat0: He just realized that he missed his favorite TV show because Ken always wants to play. ;)

Nice choices guys! Now, lets see how those darn VGAs really turn out...

Congrats on the new baby! Wish you all the best.

60 gig owner here. Couldn't be happier. Just wish I had more money to actually keep up with all these games. Owning 4/5 of the platforms at the moment just kills me.

@DoomLight: While some of that may be true, the feeling is just not there. Nothing like having a good match in Tekken or Street Fighter while being surrounded by people watching you go at it. Sure, you can invite friends to come over to play a game or two, but its not like playing someone you never met before, and

@Frologic: Oh, yeah. If there was a choice between a remade RE2 or a new Breath of Fire game...

@jaymac: I hope a lot of people that tried had that same attitude. Cause ya know...better chances for others!

@dead_red_eyes: Agreed. If they were to go the whole RE4/5 route then I'd probably be upset with it. Not saying it couldn't be good...but it just wouldn't be true to the original. Besides, it'll be way too easy with that kind of control scheme...zombies aren't as agile and dangerous and the new guys.

@deft0k: I'm hoping at most, five. >_>

@Jandlecack: Heh, they don't even need the Wii in my opinion. The DS does all the dirty work for them.

I tried my best.

Hmm, wasn't Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings a type of RTS? Anyway, I guess this is good for SE.

I'd play that game.

Going to submit my answers now. I hope I win. I NEVER win stuff like this. Would be awesome.

@Michael McWhertor: Obviously Spec III is the special multiplatform re-release with new features and cross platform online play! ;)