I am very, very happy! Yay!
I am very, very happy! Yay!
@Revolutionary: Well, Steve Fox is in it, so it can't be that. Maybe Marshall got tired of it?
:: lights up the grill and passes out Coors to everyone ::
Heh. 100 million eh? Time to take out the grill, it's going to be a long "war".
@peAr_nectAr: Oh. Well yeah, I guess I meant the super strength, at least. If he had his super strength then there really isn't a reason to put him in the game. Unless he's a cheap boss character.
I bet there's gonna be a explanation of how they're able to handle Superman like, "Everyone lost their powers" or something like that. Hence the hardcore brawling and no special moves done by Sub-Zero and Batman in the original trailer.
@JorgieX: Explain your choice of words, sir. Metal Gear not great? Metal Gear Solid 4, not great? Explain.
Those two deserve the worst they can get. Hearing about stuff like this gets me really upset.
I never did experience E.T., so I can't really comment on it. But it's kinda strange, he reminds me of Luke Smith in that video.
That was great. Nice way to begin the morning for me.
Nothing here for me. I would get Singstar for parties and for me and my girl to mess around with, but maybe another time. Still gotta pick up all the games I wanted that came out before, too.
She looks awesome. I love her style. Don't think I'll be replacing Sophitia with her as my main female character, but who knows.
Aww shucks. That's all I got for this one. Shucks.
@Saint Anima: OK, so there may be more that I want remade, but can't think right now. -_-
@hk458: Just like Alan Wake!
@Sparx: Ah, I see. Well it played well for me, others may think otherwise though, especially the Tenkaichi fans.
@Sparx: I always preferred his Big Bang Attack myself. The other ones seemed too...meh, for me. Final Flash was alright, but it was never the "final flash" in the battle.
Played the demo. It's pretty good, but then again I haven't played the Budokai games since the original.