
This is quite silly. Not because of going into the next part of the game OP. But it makes no sense to call this a 3 part series anymore. And it’s certainly not a FF7 remake. Even the last game was not a remake by any stretch of the imagination. This has Nomura written all over it. We've been duped. Why wouldn't

I would say that Jons claim to the iron throne surpasses that of the claim to Winterfell. What I mean is that the reason why there is an iron throne in the first place is because Aegon the conqueror stripped the 7 kings of their claims to any throne and made those that surrendered and pledged fielty to him, Lords of

while it is a plausible theory, i cannot see it happening and here is why. First, he is not a King. So, pointless to marry someone without a noble family name. Second, Varys is with her. There is no way varys would allow that to happen considering he knows LF extremely well. Thus, i doubt she will seek to marry

Once all the men are killed off, as they have been, it is only logical that only women remain.

The way it confirmed it was by the words of Lyanna “If robert finds out, he will kill him”. “ Protect him, Ned, Promise me” .This was enough to say that Jon is Rhaegars Son since Robert hated the Targaryans and was on a war path to kill them all. However, what was not revealed, is the babies true name. Could it be

I Don’t think Arya has ever claimed a desire to kill Jamie. He is not on her list. If this season was about Arya discovering that she is not “no one” then the emphasis on completing Arya Starks list makes sense. Walder Frey however, was on her list. Thus, I can be sure that her vengeance will take her to kings

well, it is only the whites that are vulnerable to fire. As we saw in the Hodor episode the White walkers are impervious to fire. Thus, i don’t see how Dany and her dragons can “save the north from the white walkers”.

First, it was the true name of the baby that was kept a secret, but Bran heard it which is evident of his reaction. Secondly, Sansa discovered that Little finger is a true enemy of hers and that the north-men will rally behind a bastard born in the south, as said by LF to dissuade Sansa from Jon. Sansa did say to LF,