You might still outlive the boning teenagers and the black guy.
You might still outlive the boning teenagers and the black guy.
And this, kids, is a stunning example of the Dunning-Kruger Effect.
The joke is that the last few attempts at Carrie have been not so good. Of course you knew that but decided to bitch anyway, because the internet is just constant bitching, and ‘cause you a bitch
No one cares about your boner
So did (and still do) several democratically elected governments.
Sir, this is a Wendy’s.
This is the creepiest yet most helpful answer I've ever read in my ten years in this establishment. think it’s a coincidence that the kids are orphans?
Is this a good doll to bring to a restaurant???
It’s like, damn wha’d the devil ever do to you?
Um, FUCK the school’s anti-bullying policies. Calling this “bullying” grossly misses that this is a sadistic, racially motivated assault. Get them in a courtroom stat.
Alternately, you’re in Soviet Russia.
Look, nobody else was available! They asked around. Everyone else was too busy being free to do the slavery.
1. See cited 2007 Vogue article
If only there was a way for you to somehow rid yourself of us, perhaps through some kind of advanced fucking off technique.
I think ugly dudes have felt entitled to hot women ever since Aphrodite was wed to Hephaestus.
Is Fangs once again being called Moose in the recap a mistake, or is it a sly commentary on how interchangeable the homophobia on this show makes queer men? (and to the person from last week’s recap who was in the greys - yes, gay producers can be homophobic, as shown in anything by Ryan Murphy)
Came for Hocus Pocus, left disappointed.