
Well, surely you didn’t mean...

Yours is an extremely generous interpretation, to which you are of course welcome. I just feel as though you may be ascribing to the Coens’ statements a benign subtext that they’ve neither earned nor particularly want. The only thing my between-the-lines reading yielded was: “We tell the stories we want to tell, and

Honestly, this pisses me off more than every single other ill-advised response to this exhausting “controversy” combined.

With all due deference, I think you’re imbuing their words with a nobility they in no way deserve. What I read essentially a deluge of vague, evasive, and supercilious indignation, with the occasional PC independent clause perfunctorily dropped in here and there.

The given definition was so genteel! So much more so than the one for Colored People Time (CPT), which is basically "niggas just always be late af for shit."

“The reboot... sounds better suited for the CW.”
It was:

Look, just be glad I’m not one of these thots out here who think you're actually the murderer.

Right? Pictured: Clover Hope, undermining a bitch's self-worth:

My goodness, madam: when you’re hot, you’re hot

Sorry, Nebs:“bae” and “woke” are already gone; they've appeared in a BuzzFeed post.
As to your other concern: this series is satire. Kara isn't actually giving any of these gentlemen cookies; rather, she's mocking the idea that so many people think they deserve cookies in the first place.

Had a similar reaction:

I thought Doody’s “Those Magic Changes” was an absolute highlight; I was definitely in the general vicinity of cream. Like, in the dairy aisle.
Conversely, I though Boyz II Men were terrible! All that atonal melisma and terrible diction only exacerbate the show's already spotty sound problems.

I'd like to argue about JGL's sexiness. I'd like to argue that he has none. I'd like to argue that he has the smuggest, most punchable face in all the Seven Kingdoms.


I got a new one (for me), for just this sort of occasion:


Tveit =Tuh-v8

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