“Murdoch didn’t start the fire...”
“Murdoch didn’t start the fire...”
I’m more offended by the fact that her ass looks like a nutsack.
That was exactly my concern with Civil War. Frankly I didn’t see how they could cram that many supers into a single movie - including introducing two new ones - and have it make a damn bit of sense. But (IMO) they nailed it. Given that this is directed by the same guys, I remain cautiously optimistic.
Oh, fuck that.…
How soulless do you have to be that you can’t admit the first Avengers movie was really fun?
Is it so ridiculous that 8th grade boys didn’t have a deep knowledge of eye shadow? What an odd and largely unrelated lede for this article
I wonder where the reckoning for agents and other enablers will start. Has any agent, ever, uttered words like “cut this shit out, Louis. 10% of your paycheck ain’t worth dealing with your bullshit.”
I’ve had this conversation with Sins fans before, but are you sure it’s all jokes? Because the guys who do them frequently raise the same “sins” in their genuine first blush reviews they do their secondary channels, and they often betray a similar lack of understanding of the film. And it’s really difficult to…
Have you ever talked to a witch consultant? It’s boring.
McAdams told her agent at the time about it this next morning, and though she was “outraged” and “very sorry,” she also told McAdams that Toback had allegedly done the same thing to one of her other clients.
The “Moral Majority” finally get the leader they deserve: a serial sexual predator, adulterer, thrice-married, draft-dodging megalomaniac coward who has admitted to never have asked god for forgiveness.
Hulu is REALLY working hard on knocking Netflix off their pedestal and it is working. Not only do you have negative things like Netflix losing the rights to many popular shows while also raising prices, now we have Hulu (after winning some emmy’s) adding back some of those shows as well as other classics (the 90's…
Rose loses her shit on Twitter and is suspended. Our fucking President loses his shit on Twitter and gets rewarded like some god damn heavyweight boxing champion. This world has gone fucking upside down!!!
Well, now that in joke from Zootopia won’t make any sense!
I liked Matt Damon. I still like him. Same with Meryl Streep and Judy Dench. And they aren’t lying, per se. They didn’t ‘know’, because they hadn’t seen it. But there is no way in hell they hadn’t heard. And Damon DAMN sure can’t play innocent for trying to spike a negative story on the grounds he didn’t know what it…
That’s why I feel like this whole thing is bs. They’ve known for decades about this man’s actions, yet now they fire him cause it’s hurting their bottom line.
people like Lena Dunham, Amber Tamblyn, Jessica Chastain, Seth Rogen, Kevin Smith, Judd Apatow, Mark Ruffalo, Meryl Streep, Judi Dench, Glenn Close, and Kate Winslet, along with Rose McGowan
Anton Yelchin’s death isn’t some all-too-common Hollywood tragedy. He was killed because his car had a serious design defect, one that Jeep sort-of half-assedly tried to fix.
Why am I supposed to care about the petty squabbles of shitposting idiots? By suggesting that they are newsworthy, this article might be the highlight of their pathetic lives. Congrats, AVC, you just made some of the worst people in America very happy.