Charles and Diana’s pairing came about for much the same reason people have disaster sex - the need for human closeness and comfort during a tough time.
Charles and Diana’s pairing came about for much the same reason people have disaster sex - the need for human closeness and comfort during a tough time.
It seems like it’s the same type of people who ask why there isn’t a straight pride parade.
The most simple way to put it is boys already have “Boys Make Games.” There are plenty of organizations out there to teach coding to everyone. The issues comes from the fact that these are typically geared towards boys and can be quite hostile to girls. In my programming classes we never had more than 3 women. We…
There are plenty of game jams and workshops for you. This one is not for you. I can’t imagine that will really affect your life all that much, but if it does, consider it a trade-off for all the other inherent advantages you’ll have in the video game industry. Not having to worry all that much about being sexually…
I can’t star this enough
I’ll assume you’re commenting in good faith despite your use of an awful buzzword like “identity politics,” so consider this: Lots of girls are taught that video games and game development are for men. Girls Make Games is an institution designed to teach girls that hey, they can play and make video games too, which…
Thank you.
It seems like so many folks are just looking for someone to blame that they completely miss the fact that game production, like pretty much everything else these days (with few exceptions) is generally a team effort. Singling out one person upon which to focus ire evinces only the ignorance of the irate…
I don’t expect everyone to have intimate knowledge of the workings of AAA video games, but come on — Mass Effect Andromeda was made by hundreds of people. Do you really think ONE person was responsible for all the animations? Subpar animation work can be the result of so so so many factors, including technology…
You know that Hispanic people can be blonde haired and blue eyed, right? Like, a lot of Hispanic people are.
Wtf? Passing as white doesn’t mean she needs to exclude her biracial, black-American heritage.
I am reasonably certain I acknowledged the fact that members of all racial and ethnic backgrounds can hold both prejudicial and even racist beliefs in my OP.
I think your assertion here is a bit of an oversimplification of the situation, and here’s why:
1.) You assert that there’s “no real solution,” and in this, we can agree, however much I hate to admit it. Fear of the unknown—and hatred of the feared—are inescapable consequences of the human condition. So long as there…
It’s unnecessary to say that “all racism/sexism/bigotry is bad,” because that should be a default assumption for all reasonable--and even marginally empathetic—people.
The distinction, however, remains—and it remains an important one. When Voter ID acts disproportionately impact (and disenfranchise) communities of…
Lots of white people speak Spanish in addition to English. You just weren’t qualified for the job.
Nothing wrong with it, I just thought you were being a bit melodramatic. I really only saw one or two of them, buried deep in a thread that was mostly on a better level, but fine, my observations are not relevant to your opinion. (I do get to have my own, though.)
There’s a relatively low proportion of comments like that in what I’m seeing. Let’s not be melodramatic here.
This is a microcosm/macrocosm perspective issue.
It certainly sucks to be denied opportunities because a given demographic enclave wants to keep its area “pure,” but you are experiencing in a particular neighborhood what persons of racial and ethnic backgrounds other than Anglo-European (and I’m not even getting into…
He is one. The KKK also claim to not be racist. But he uses racial slurs, gives interviews to a website known for being a mouth piece for white supremacist, claims whites are the real victims of racism, and tries to pretend that racism against minorities doesn’t exist while cherry picking statistics to paint other…
“People looking at this think I’m some kind of explicit ethno-nationalist, but I’m not,”