Sailor Jupiter

OMG I love your mom TO DEATH!  It is my dream to be a camper once my 9-5 existence ends.  I can’t wait!

I am so jealous, of your mom for having a camper, and of you for having such a cool, kick-ass, Adventure Mom!

OK mom, so I’m going to edit this to make us both sound very smart and cool, OK?

I think you’re cool, mom.

May I suggest lycra shorts and a mini/midi dress? The short option allows you to run through the dregs of summer with great ease, and the right cotton dress has to be more comfortable (and probably better looking) that a regular t shirt.

Last summer I hit the bike shorts + oversized t shirt trend HARD because I remember when those came in matching sets in the 90's. Shoutout to the Nala from Lion King matching bike shorts + t shirt that I lived in in 3rd grade!

If anyone has a shortlist for the storage-impaired, I’m all ears! I do have white wine, red wine, balsamic, rice (seasoned) already, if that helps.

Don’t tell anyone, but I didn’t look at the slideshow either, for the same reason.

I’ll confess I didn’t read the article because, as a curmudgeon, I refuse to click through slideshows. But, I’ll also add that champagne vinegar and tarragon vinegar are worth adding to your selection! 

If my suburban lady friends are any indication...

I have several friends and neighbors who only shop at similar grocery stores in metro Atlanta. I do on occasion, but I just can’t with some of it. Everything that is non-GMO, gluten free, vegan whatever is nice on occasion, but I can’t commit to such a food lifestyle. When I want a fancier grocery store, it’s Publix,

Now Mac is the voice of reason these days:

I get that Whole Foods is overall considered to be expensive, but nevertheless, I spent a month with a friend in small town Massachusetts and Whole Foods was the ONLY place I could afford fruit.

Awesome tip! I love (LOVE) crispy shallots, but the traditional method is a bit time-consuming and I rarely have frying oil on hand. I use my air fryer all the time, but it never occurred to me to use it for this (or roasted garlic, for that matter). Thanks for this! Adding shallots to my grocery list now....

Agreed, and I would also say that Jezebel always has at least one writer on staff who truly has a lot of disdain for the readers and likes to troll to annoy people. We all know who the current one is 🙄.

I think people doing it for the photo ops are doing it wrong. I always figured the real appeal in this is giving your kid something new and just watching how they react. That’s the most fun of having a baby (said as an auntie), watching them find something they like. Sure, snap a picture or two for the memories of the

YUM. I LOVE black bean burgers and since they went out of fashion no restaurant has them anymore!

Yeah I’ll take a black bean burger any day over an Impossible or whatever one.

I never really understood the appeal of trying to mimic meat with vegetables when veggies can already do so many things that meat can’t. Maybe it’s because I’m a meat-eater myself, so I’m not missing out on that meaty taste and feel, but to my mind playing to veggies’ strengths with a quality veggie burger like this