Sailor Jupiter

I normally try to take my dog for his longest walk in the afternoon, but last week I missed it and was feeling restless. Went for a walk after dark, enjoyed the lights, wandered around the empty streets. It was nice to me. Any time I can be outside and not devoured by mosquitoes is a good time of year to me. 

I’ve had 1 friend and a few acquaintances elope this year (which honestly seems like a dream) and one friend get legally married, but who has postponed the actual wedding twice now.

I don’t want to click on page 6, I wish they had chosen a pic of a pretty ring for the article header. 

I gave my dog his first bath since I adopted him, and I couldn’t believe how calm he was for it. Then he was a fluffy boy who smelled great, so he’s sick of me scooping him up to cuddle. 

I’ve been walking and exploring my new neighborhood, and on a random street found a lot someone turned into a garden with chickens, and they ran up to the fence to check out me and my dog. I was absolutely smitten, he did not care at all. Better he’s indifferent than barking at them.

The Tinder recycling is real. That and Hinge. I’m on it, bored/frustrated with “hey” or dudes get pushy to meet in person ASAP (no video calls for them!) despite a pandemic, and then I delete it and play fetch with my dog while I watch BritBox.

My ex’s mom gave me this Nora Ephron book to read this “where’s the butter” passage. Kind of funny she was warning me about her son, but she was spot on.

This was my mistake. I love cooking, and it is something I do well and enjoy so I would cook something fun at the beginning of dating, then when we lived together I was stuck with all the cooking because I was “better” at it. I wouldn’t have minded if the cleaning was shifted into his court to compensate for the time

I used to be very “adopt, don’t shop!” back when I was volunteering with different rescues and didn’t live in dog-friendly housing. And I still think adoption is the best for a lot of reasons- you know the personality of a dog (especially if it has been fostered) and the rescue/shelter is invested in helping you get

Letter writer, we should chat! I wish you could DM me in Kinja.

I went down a youtube hole of color theory videos that led to body type videos at the beginning of quarantine. So many layers of classification to look the most perfect. Seemed to take the fun out of fashion and reminded me a bit of What Not to Wear.

My ex was big into kayaking, and would complain about the bro-y culture in the whitewater community. He and his female kayaking friends pushed me to get into it because “we need more women in the sport” and I just didn’t see why I’d want to spend my free time around obnoxious dudes. I think if I really wanted to do

I’ve liked “Getting Past Your Breakup” and the facebook community/her other books and resources as I come to terms with ending an emotionally abusive relationship with a partner who was chronically unfaithful and demeaning.

I used to work in a bar and would often sit there for a bit before going home at the end of my shift. If I didn't have a book and was open to conversation, it was hit or miss, but whenever I decided I just wanted to read men really seeme to take it as an invite to chat. I never knew why. 

That’s so funny my siblings used to tease me that tapioca was frog eyes, glad it was a widespread thing and not just my family. 

I had said Shih Tzu when I saw his before pic, so that feels right. One day I'll get him dna tested and throw a breed reveal party. 

My camera roll is very full already. Also had to throw in his “before” pic from the rescue. They guess his age at 5, I’m taking him to a vet this weekend and will see what he thinks.

I was able to adopt a dog last week and I still can’t believe it. I put in my application and thought I wouldn’t get him in particular, but would just have a general app in with the rescue.

“A green, a bean, and a grain” was my formula in college and translates well to a lot of cuisines. A good spice and condiment supply can make the basic staples varied and exciting. 

At my first job one of the managers had the initials KKK with her maiden name, and was glad her husband had a K last name so it didn’t change.