
Seriously, the idea of that being laura is so dumb to me. The woodsman is running around crushing skulls for Laura? Laura is a repulsive frog insect that crawls down a girl's throat? That makes zero sense.

"The austere ambient horror of 21 Savage to the abyssal psychedelia of Future."

The doddering old man is one of the best parts.

I'm in the "I thought it was OK" boat. It was for me the weakest out of all the episodes, had some issues with pacing, and I'm not really sure they were entirely successful fleshing laura out. She is an entirely unsympathetic character for me still. A lot of people are talking about how complex she is now and all

Wait, not thinking she's a deep or complex character means they have issues with women?

Really hope we can do better than this.

In the beginning seasons he was a hilariously incompetent one too. The episode where they first showed him at work had him asking on the phone "ok, now what are these squiggly lines, mhm" talking about the seismograph, and he just goes through everything in the office asking what each thing is. It's a hilarious

Apparently you're one as well. Thanks for the correction, really changed things. Not sure where the hell the other comment is where you said i was deluded for saying CNN is essentially right wing, but yeah, CNN panders to the right wing far more than they used to, and you're the deluded one if you think that isn't

God, your an asshole. You also can't debate for shit. Someone writes a really eloquent response basically shutting you down, and your response is to accuse them of a copy paste? Heh, nice one.

The liberals control media? Is that why all the networks are shifting center right and cnn went from a neutral bias network to essentially right wing? Rephrase that as politicians and donors control the media. Both parties are broken and corrupt in the same exact way and both are to blame at this point, but there

Dude, this guy is consistently spouting off bullshit and trying to deliver it under the guise of reason and facts, but repeatedly makes connections that don't exist and misconstrues facts to fit his narrative. I rarely even read av club compared to a regular poster and I've seen his nonsense on every post you can

"Bob, your my best friend."
"What, really? Well, ok."

hahaha, i was just thinking in my kitchen, man, i can't relate to hakeem at all, he seems like some paper-thin stereotype of a rapper. they try to give him some empathetic scenes, but meh. Andre on the other hand, when that guy acts it looks like genuine stress/fear/anger/sadness in his eyes, and he pulls the

Do we have ANY idea when Bojack is returning? I cant figure it out, ive been looking online.

Yeah, you know I was really kinda feeling that way on the beach, and by the time he went into his Australian joke/knife routine. Ok, it was funny, don't kill the scene by dragging this out now