If Chevy could somehow not put the Chevy name on their cars, that would probably help with the resale value.
If Chevy could somehow not put the Chevy name on their cars, that would probably help with the resale value.
I heard everything is peachy over at Initech since the restructuring.
I’m waiting for the Hawkhawk, the Jeep for falconry enthusiasts.
ETA: Wha, I’m in the greys!? Rich can you please get me out of the greys. I have been here for years and I am a very nice commenter.
I don’t normally condone violence, but a bike lock to the head of this thief would be acceptable.
If it had a diesel with a manual, you’d be pooping your pants.
Dihydrogen monoxide does not need to be mixed/contaminated to be VERY deadly, and our politicians are doing NOTHING.
I think some asterisks that showed the rate of inflation or a table of “in current USD” would be helpful here. $1.56 in 2003 is $2.11 today. So your $9.25 figure for the 2003 F-150 cost/100 miles is $13.21 vs. the $13.80 you’re paying today.
Actually I always assumed that the people who brew Natural Ice were paid extremely well since the company obviously isn’t plowing any of the money it makes into areas like consumer taste satisfaction and product quality control.
The Corvette doesn’t need to be at a Cars and Coffee event to take down an innocent bystander. And it’s strapped down!! Now that’s a car.
It’s hard to separate the company from it’s base for me. All I can think of when I hear Harley is the modded exhaust, 120 db pieces of shit that the owners of insist on cruising main drags on at 3mph revving them as they sit in traffic. They can all suck a bag of dicks.
Interior Steering Wheel: Standard
A decade? Try 3 decades. Basically my entire career. Yet everything is more expensive, health insurance premiums are insane (I paid $0 for insurance when I started working) and now we have cable, cell phones, internet, etc. etc, that didn’t exist 30 years ago. In the meantime, companies are not content with making a…
The game of Lava, Mustang, Crowds is a lot like Rock, Paper, Scissors.
trolliest stuff coming from S3XY Roadster Trucks
(Gah - triggered)
Don’t come crying to me when you lose your farm Iowa soybean farmers. You voted for the Dotard for president. (And gave him momentum in the caucuses).