
Vote: Godaddy

In Swype, how do you turn off auto-spacing on the fly?

If you root it, can you still use the preinstalled apps and (brand specific) UI overlay or does it become a basic Android?

Even if they claim it's harmless I am paranoid about putting my password in some 3rd party site...

nice but the rest looks fugly!

60TB sounds strange... to put this number into perspective could anyone tell how long does a normal HDD would last? in terms of TB...

Very nice !

Any HDR app for Android?

Why would anyone need to play their video in iTunes on Windows?!!

It should be called 'how to detect a *badly* photoshopped image'

Editing is done when you open it it any RAW software, it does not have to be Photoshop !!!

@Meh: You are not alone. But I guess it's a wide angle lens that's distorting the images towards the edges.

@blyan: As I said if you are not an Apple fanboy (Not you in particular, I mean the collective "you") you won't realize it.

@RemembertheAmiga:This might not be a major hit, one practical reason being that there is no well developed iTunes like store. But if you are not an Apple fan-boy you would realize that iProducts are too common to be cool anymore.

I used to think Australia is a first world country!!