Yep, my main criteria for camera is what kind of USB connector it has!
Yep, my main criteria for camera is what kind of USB connector it has!
The Sanskrit word mantra- (m.; also n. mantram) consists of the root man- "to think" (also in manas "mind") and the suffix -tra, designating tools or instruments, hence a literal translation would be "instrument of thought".
Bacteria is more gross than human skin?!
Great tip!
I use Notepad++, not WYSIWYG but works great.
@yjagota: Yes !!
Use SD cards instead of USB if possible. They have write protection button that is really handy for this kind of situations .
@Godot Praesta: folder or file?
@S.. doesn't have any friends.: You should be careful, if it syncs with the default bookmarks set your actual ones might be gone...
Do you still need to restart to be able to use newly installed plugins?
Looks cook those sharp cornered handles are weird!
Actually the free goggles could be dangerous as one might expect that it's safe to look at the laser with it.....
@krues8dr: I know! I am not getting the point of this whole thing!
@wicketr: Don't worry it will be the no 1! ;)
@luckycharms: Thanks! You seem to be a privacy pro man!! does all these together slow FF down?
@luckycharms: Could you use both of them together?
A reader for a reader... good.
@luckycharms: Or you could use CookieCuller. []
@Unionhawk: Is it by the same guy?
Does anyone know how to add reminder with quick add in Google Calender?