
Buh milk is racist!?

Liberals love to bring segregation back. It’s hip with the kids.

No it enables the destitute to gain a leg up. While supporting upper class providing jobs for the middle class. Obvious fine tuning needs to be done but he has a possible 8 years to do that.

Not one mention of married people not paying income tax till 20k. This site is trash.

Franchesca Ramsey is a garbage person. She blocks people and never has the balls to respond to any criticism. For NBC to compare this lowlife as the next Key and Peele is a crime. She is a racist and I hope this black supremacist’s show crashes and burns.

I’m sick of defending positions to people who do not believe in science or truth. Lol your 62 genders say hi

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I use Express VPN been very reliable and fast.



Fuck this

No you’re all playing yourselves. It’s pathetic.

I’m wondering this as well.

Look at all the Gawker Affiliated websites. It’s as biased as it gets. CNN themselves are getting torn apart because of headlines like Trump “may” have connections based on “possible” inside sources. It’s fabricated and they parade around as if there is no bias. There is massive censorship happening on the web to

Yes because SJWs are absolute cancer. They are the driving force behind the dissipation of the 1st amendment.

Just because someone has a few conservative viewpoints does not make them alt-right

Maybe he has an alt- right following because he provides different viewpoints which allows people to venture outside of their echo chambers. There is a very big problem with mass immigration where he’s from and his coverage is sound and backed by facts/statistics.

I use the word sheep to highlight individuals that use the main stream media for their news. You don’t obviously watch his content so you wouldn’t know any of his viewpoints except what kotaku and gizmodo tell you.

Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties and political freedom with representative democracy under the rule of law, and emphasizes economic freedoms found in economic liberalism which is also called free market capitalism.

He defends Milo because the left calls him a nazi when he’s a gay jew that would otherwise be killed by the toxic culture that is radical islam that the left wants in the states so badly.