“Edgy straight people?” Really? There’s that annoying subset of the kink community where straight people say they’re queer because they’re kinky, but other than that, I cannot think of a legitimate reason to call a queer person straight.
“Edgy straight people?” Really? There’s that annoying subset of the kink community where straight people say they’re queer because they’re kinky, but other than that, I cannot think of a legitimate reason to call a queer person straight.
This isn’t accurate. Queer is absolutely a term used by all manner of people in the LGBTQ community. Politely, your anecdotal evidence doesn’t mean much. Also, I’m sensing some bi-erasure with your comment about “actual” gay people, and the insinuation that bi people can somehow avoid being the target of slurs.
Many assault victims are understandably not comfortable contacting police and would prefer a speaking with a social worker, counselor, advocate, etc.
Quick sidebar: when did “savage” become a thing? It makes me... uncomfortable. I can’t hear it without wincing. Ongoing colonial legacies are real. That’s my grumpy sidebar for the evening. Get off my lawn and other such grumblings.