Not even Kanye could believe that crap.
Not even Kanye could believe that crap.
I've been listening to Vinny since I was 7 years old (I'm 55). I've lived in numerous baseball cities. There is nobody who comes close to his radio baseball talent. He is THE best.
Your assumption of bias is correct, you're just applying it to the wrong side of the argument ;)
Did you really just compare Vin Scully to Larry freakin Munson?? You cant be serious....
Agreed. Criticize my religion, criticize my country, call my mother names, but no one can blaspheme the name of St. Vin. He is now and always will be the standard against which all others are compared (and will come up wanting). Larry Munson?
I mean no disrespect when I say that you sir deserve to die for that comment.
"That's blanking fertilizer!" Awesome.
and then the other night talked about a tweet, only I called it a twit
A couple of nights ago there was this gem: "Ball One to Mark Ellis. You know, this year, more than many years, I have a great deal of gratitude for all the folks listening on radio and watching on television, pitch in for a strike one and one, for instance earlier this year I learned about a soul patch, that little…
"We have all this technology and they don't use it because they say it would delay the game. Well, what was that we just saw?"
And next in the "Vin Scully Books on Tape" series... Trainspotting.