
It's completely down for me.

He broke Reddit.

Nah, it doesn't.

A small add that does not interfere with my searching?

I still have my streaming plan, along with Amazon Prime (which I've had before the video/book lending services).

I have a hackintosh system which I use as a HTPC.

Thanks, that's it!


Does anyone know what that Apple TV looking device is (the one connected to the TV)?

In Windows 7 this is very easy, the volume manager makes this simple, but how do you do this in OS X?

Hm, good point, didn't think about that. NJ (as far as I know) doesn't have that law.

I don't see the issue with an app having completely public information.

I swear to god they changed it. I didn't take a screenshot, but you'll just have to believe me.

Am I the only one bothered that the iPhone in the image is not the 4S used in the article?

Good thing I just bought mine 3 weeks ago! /s

This article should really make it clear that they're giving all the people who pre-ordered it for free .

They're giving it out for free. How are they charging?

What I would really like is my Prime Instant Videos. I know that the Amazon Instant Video app will never come to Apple TV because it poses a direct threat to iTunes, but that's what I really would have loved.

I really hope this program is a huge success and google expands this to...everywhere.

Same. Don't know what's causing it.