
The problem with this is that once you open it up, you can't really set it down anywhere. Once I start drinking, there is a requirement for me to keep holding the bag until it's finished.

Oh I know. Any time I go to PA, I see "Welcome to Pennsylvania" right next to "FIREWORKS, NEXT EXIT"

Thank god I live in a state that bans all consumer fireworks (NJ) /s

Upvoting this.

This is ridiculous. Apple is trying to shut out competitors. One of the patents the are suing over is searching multiple content sources (like they invented that).

VOTE: Stock

You know what people said in 2009? "Search. That's all what Google does well. And that's pretty much all they do well."

1. Google Maps on Android will not have Yelp integration.

I am convinced this will not sell. $99 is where the Nexus Q needs to be to sell. I love that it was made in USA, I love the design, but it needs to be at $99 to sell

I'd just like to add how bad I feel for this device:

300 is just too much.

I'm going to disagree. I think Gmail, Chrome, and Android are products Google is now doing right.

Oh okay. Actually, you're 1/2 right. My (little) understanding is that there's actually a special chip either in the phone or sim card (Gnex has in phone, Microsoft is trying to put in in SIM) which is called the Secure Element. That basically makes sure that your information cannot be duplicated from the NFC reader.

At one point, there were some security concerns, but the good thing about Google Wallet is that it's an app, not a part of the core OS. It's very easy for Google to simply update the app, and anyone can download the fix from the Play Store.

This would be a good time for Google to try to buy Yelp again.

It's funny how much Google can screw things up. Google championed this stuff, think about how old the Nexus S is, and think about how THAT is when Google put NFC into phones.

I think Google will release a maps application like the one on Android, but without Navigation.

I don't think you've seen Google's version of Google Maps: The one on Android. It blows the iOS version out of the water.

I agree. Strategically, it's the right thing to do. My concern is what happens to the current Windows Phone users.

Thanks! Missed that buried under all the announcements I guess.