
Once anyone watches a single Netflix movie on their phone, they'll understand why bigger screens are better.

Well, I'm not starred here on Gizmodo, so I can't promote your comment, but I swear, if I could, I would.

Google TV is a derivative of Honeycomb (Android 3.0).

I agree, you're right, but considering many TV companies are going Google TV for 2012 (I don't feel like finding the article, but needless to say, it's a lot) that in theory means that there will be more Google TV apps.

I was actually a bit disappointed that it's not running any varient of Android. I mean while these features rock, if Samsung packaged this in with Android (due to it's large App Store, and looking at all the new deals, wide support) then it would look like a mythical-Apple-tv-set-killer.

Does anyone know what MobileOS it's running? Is it Android, or something they built in-house?

I've heard very similar things about the Revue too. I mean I'm a fandroid, so I love Google TV as a concept, especially the idea of integration with DVR's (as a DVR addict) it just sounds fantastic.

As much hate as Google TV gets, and admittedly it as a complete fail, I'm happy to see Google not giving up. I think this news is great, because Google TV is at least better than the stupid custom operating systems that all the TV manufacturers load up right now.

Go to . They have reprinted the entire press release. It appears as though there is no link to verizon themselves on the net, but Verizon must have confirmed to the media first via email or something, because every single tech blog (more specifically every android blog and some tech blogs) have

Sure, the page you were on is legible. Turning and flipping pages becomes a real challenge though.

List line: All true except spilled upon. Papers and liquids do not work well together. Believe me, I speak from (a very bad) experience.

I'm agreeing. I'm saying that you are paying for that too.

People need to stop the "this is a beta product comments."

When you build a PC it's a lot cheaper than what any manufacturer will sell you. In addition, Apple products tend to be more expensive (cue hate).

Actually very very surprised:

I'm sure eventually someone will find someway to generate a code or something every time, so it looks unique (after they somehow crack the way apple makes the codes)

Oh, that's good to hear. I don't want to take any names here, but there's one "godly" writer in particular who tends to have just a little bias.

Don't be silly, some things never change: "too much of a doodieshow for even Android to stomach ." (Emphasis added)