
He guest starred on a Pysch episode as a nerd pretending to be a jock.

I have missed this show so much!

I will never understand what's suppose to be so bad about the "gay agenda." It involves rainbows! Unicorns poop rainbows and they are the purest creatures known to man,

Ha,I guess I do. Thank you. I'm surprised Stardust isn't more popular since it's based on a Neil Gaiman book. Mockingjay is a very satisfying conclusion to the series, and is a really good adaption of the book. I was expecting there to be more of the animated films. Going in I thought the 90s would be nothing but

1989-The Little Mermaid
1991-Beauty and the Beast
1993-The Nightmare Before Christmas (Was really hard to choose between this and Hocus Pocus)
1994-The Lion King
1997-The Fifth Element
1998-Ever After
1999-Drop Dead Gorgeous
2000-O Brother,Where Art Thou
2001-Legally Blonde

The funny thing is even though Tim Allen is considered one of the leads of the movies, he's really not. All the movies center around Tom Hanks/ Woody. As someone who grew up with the movies, I can only remember 1 or 2 things Buzz did in the first two movies. And I can't remember anything he did in the third, but I

Well most milk doesn't come in cartons anymore.

I read the first book a while ago and for some reason I never got around to reading the rest. I remember really liking it so doing a reread might be a good way to ease of out of my hangover.

Currently reading: The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater

Earlier in the season he said he was between 39-72.

"Blue tried not to look at Gansey’s boat shoes; she felt better about him as a person if she pretended he wasn’t wearing them."
-The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
One of my favorite quotes from this book.

I haven't seen Ghostbusters yet, but I hear he was one of the highlights of it. I haven't seen the original so I'll probably like it more than other people.

I'd like to add Chris Hemsworth to the list. I'm not entirely convinced that he isn't an actual god.

After the prank talk, part of me was expecting the whole thing to be a prank on CeCe and Schmidt.

Of course. Us womenfolk are unclean sinnners. What with our hoohas leaking blood every month and hypnotizing decent men.

I saw somebody in the comments of a HuffPost article describe him as looking like a rotten cantaloupe.

The show's Facebook page posted a video of Rebecca Sugar discussing the song. And she basically said the same thing. They're both grieving but they're completely different people.

A couple of years ago a GOP staffer accused them being disrespectful at that year's turkey pardon. And said they were dressed like they were going to a bar.

So after some quick research I found that Latinx was first used by the queer internet community around 2004. And recently became more widespread because of social media. And while it has a lot of praise from academics and scholars. There does seem to be a lot of people in the LGBTQ community who feel the term best

But not all Latino/Latina are Hispanic. Brazilian people are considered Latino/Latina.