
I just finished it. I loved it! I can't wait to read the next book.

The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater (audiobook) and The Countess Conspiracy by Courtney Milan.

It like he's obsessed with Obama. It's creepy and weird.

I read somewhere that he bought an ice cream truck. And gives the ice cream away for free.

I liked their Facebook page. They had some cute Janet holiday videos.

It doesn't seem like he has too much trouble with big life decisions just the day to day ones. He was excited to be his friend's best man.

I feel bad for Chidi's friend those were some regrettable last words.

According Lana Wachowski the special is also the first 2 episodes of season 2 of Sense8. Here's a video of her talking about it.…

I love this show! I love every cheesy moment of it! I kept finding myself smiling throughout the episode. I can't wait to May.

Yeah I do think depression was a factor, but I feel like there might be more to it since his parents don't really know what happened.

I'm more interested in why Earn left school than the shooting. I think that question's been overshadowed by the shooting.

The next Pontiac Bandit episode. He could get a job at Nick's bar. I feel like Jake Johnson and Craig Robinson would be amazing together.

I think it's also kinda commenting on how so many minority groups call on the black community to be advocates and allies for their cause, but are often silent when it comes to black issues.

I loved this episode. I usually watch each episode twice because there are so many small details, but this time it'll be because I was laughing so hard.

The Rachel Dolezal thing and Caitlyn Jenner coming out happened around the same time. And they were a lot of people linking and comparing them. Saying how was what Rachel Dolezal did any different than what Caitlyn Jenner's doing. And trying to say if somebody can be transgendered they can be trans-racial.

I noticed last night that none of the episodes have synopses. I was hoping they could help me figure out what's going on.

It probably varies by state. I live in Alabama and out of state students can register to vote here.

Thank you! Yeah you can't buy individual flavors online, but that's okay because it all looks so good. And now I have another reason to visit New York.