This reminds me how much I want to see this damn movie. I wish it would have a screening near me.
This reminds me how much I want to see this damn movie. I wish it would have a screening near me.
Me too. He looks great and I think the almost affectless delivery is a good choice.
Goddamn it this kid. Do a google image search and he’s so photographable. Opens his mouth and he’s laughable. Just shut your gorgeous mouth and have a modeling career, ok Aaron? I’m rooting for ya, I mean it. Don’t let your demons get ya.
I was mountain biking a lot and also happened to have a hot new boyfriend so we were sexing it up on the regular. One day I noticed I had a lump on my lower labia. It got bigger each day, which was a really embarrassing state of affairs with a new partner. It got so big I got weirded out started crying and thinking I…
That happened to me in December. I bled on 3 chairs at work, went home and changed 3 times, bled all over the bathroom floor, just blood and chunks everywhere and it went on for 2 days. Horrific. I should have stayed home.
Smart people who look good for a living notice lighting. Overhead lighting is the least flattering. She’s just being a smarty. Hell, I rarely turn on my overheads even when I’m home alone.
I ghosted on a friend like that. Used to name drop and embellish stories. I’d just quietly cringe as she lied her ass off. Would make plans and cancel at the last minute when she got a better offer, like my time didn’t matter. I wanted to ghost for years and just finally did it. I have much better friends now and…