
The Bush administration was stupidly evil; the current administration is evilly stupid. There’s a difference.

Cool about your opinion.

I love the use of Blonde Redhead’s “For the Damaged Coda” at the end of Evil Morty episodes will never be bad, especially with the flourishes they give the episodes at the end. Great work.

B-b-but he had a killer opening line about just moving from San Fransisco. What Midwest rube wouldn’t immediately get wet for his clearly endless stories about what a favor he is granting to this hick so-called “city” by his learned presence?

Bless you, Katie Rife. This is what we needed after that jagoff’s essay.

This asshole got banned from a Logan Square bar for being too creepy. If you’re so disgusting towards women that you get banned from at least one, possibly more, shitty hipster bar in Logan then get the fuck out of Chicago forever. There are stories after stories after stories, with proof, on Facebook and Twitter

Hi Eric Barry, thanks for stopping by!

My fellow Chicagoans are having a time ripping into him on Facebook. The puns, the jokes, the burns, they’re all the best. Unlike this clod.

Looks like someone had fun with the Saints Row Create-a-character mode!

“But it’s the midwest! My small trust fund should allow me to buy vast tracts of land!”

How could the city not fall in love with him? Look at how unique and interesting he is!

New York is going to chew this intrusive, negging dirt munch a new one. God bless them.

Chicago is a kick-ass city. This is a kick-ass rebuttal.

He’s from San Francisco, he’s moving to New York, and Chicago is somehow too expensive for him. Does this fool know how to count?

Did he really? New York is NEVER going to hear the end of that.

He was complaining that Chicago is expensive. He’s from San Francisco, for god’s sake. That alone made me realize how full of shit he is.

I hope this dude gets chased out of city after city until he’s reduced to fleeing a Carpathian village after telling an ornery goose he doesn’t want to have sex with it.

I’ve never heard of this guy before, and I’m definitely not going to look him up now. But gosh dang Katie, this write-up tells me everything about this guy, and that’s that he’s a douche canoe. The perfect snarky article to end my last day off before work tomorrow.