
My mom cans tomatoes and pears every fall, and my aunt makes various types of pickles every few years. I'd love to get into canning myself, I just don't think I can afford the time investment.

All the people freaking out about the smell must not have cats... or must not clean their litter boxes very frequently. I actually keep my cat's litter in my bedroom, clean it twice a week, and rarely smell it. If I can smell it, that's a pretty clear signal I've left cleaning it for too long!

I did a Couch to 5k type class one summer. It was great to do it in a group like that because you always have people to encourage you.

1. RSS reader (feeds from major newspapers + digg & reddit)

My most random cleaning discovery yet: oven cleaner to clean my antique cast-iron bathtub. Was cleaning the BBQ grills in there a couple of weeks ago and noticed some of the previously un-cleanable areas were starting to come white.

Ooo, new fields in Google Contacts is awesome! I've been using Highrise as a CRM, but I can sync Google Contacts with my blackberry, so maybe I should make the switch...

That three plug is an awesome idea! I'll have to make sure I grab one of those before the next conference I attend...

When I realized only my mom & telemarketers were calling my landline, I cancelled it and used the money I saved for a data plan for my blackberry.

Nice! I'm currently using Prism to keep Tracks in a separate window so I don't accidentally close it when I close my browser. Will have to update Prism on Monday and see the new changes :)

I paid about $3k to have a tankless water heater installed this past fall (vs. ~$700 for a traditional one). It's a no-brainer; I'm now saving 70% on my gas bill.

How's this for what not to do?

@jsmorley: I'm pretty happy with NexusFont as well, and I've tried MANY in the past. It's missing a few features, but nothing I can't live without for the fantastic price of FREE.

Can I train my coworkers to just not email me at all? Or call me, or IM, or twitter? Cuz then I'd get so much done :)

Sounds fancy :) I should see if Bell has any of these options. To be honest, all I've done is set up my outgoing message. My mom complains every time she calls that it cuts her messages off too soon, but I've never bothered to try and figure out why. Although I do keep reminding her that she doesn't have to leave a

Actually, Friday is.. I work for a web design/development agency, and every week, without fail (and especially before holidays), we get clients calling & emailing wanting stuff done to their sites before the weekend. It always ends up being a mad rush to fit everything in. Seems they always forget about their

OMG please make it go away! It stopped being "free-spirited" the first time someone used it on a resume to make themselves look "free-spirited". It is nothing but tacky.

@chabis: Because maybe someone would like to do this but doesn't know/doesn't want to know how to use the command line? ie. Me!

You can actually do this with IE7 too, as I discovered one day by accident when I had both browsers open.

The other book to accompany that would be The Flavor Bible ([]), so you know what foods go with what when you're cooking without a recipe

I hate, hate, HATE when people I know leave me voicemails just to say they called. I know they called, my cell phone - just like every other one - has call display. The usual one from my mom goes like this: "Hi, it's me. I just called to see how you were doing. Don't call me back though, I'm going out." Uh, okthx.