Yep, just like the law in some places that says people can’t carry guns. Laws will NEVER stop a criminal.
Yep, just like the law in some places that says people can’t carry guns. Laws will NEVER stop a criminal.
Nope. Let them lay there with it in their arms in a pool of blood...
If the dealer wants to “make it right” then he gives the kid his car back, with a clear title and a free tank of gas and maybe even a gift cards to get some upgrades. Then go after the “salesman” who was their employee, freelance or not, and get their money back. Based just on what’s in this story, the kid is just…
Todays unions have nothing to do with democracy, the vast majority are nothing more than extortion specialist that bleed their members and the employers dry.
You have obviously never been an employer...
Actually no, that is exactly wrong. Take a look at what truckers are getting paid today. There is no “wage suppression” the problem is liberal ideology and the ignorance of thinking that they can legislate the lowest common denominator out of the basement. When you require that a hamburger flipper make $15 per hour…
Greed my ass... So, they went out and found a liberal trucker who will parrot their views. In actuality trucker salaries have been doing pretty well and for those who don;t think they make enough, well if they are decent drivers then they can quit and have job offers all over the country in a few minutes, with sign on…
Well another liberal article from jalopnik written by a person who doesn’t understand basic economics, doesn’t know history, and either didn’t do any research or simply decided not to write facts...
Liberals don’t like facts...
So, you want to pay 4 or 5 times your current electric rate and you want to pay a government, per mile tax. Gas prices are going up because the USA is not producing nearly as much oil now so OPEC can set the price. You are the one who needs to keep up.
A: said pipeline was in the works and futures were low in anticipation of it. Now it’s completely stopped, the oil is still moving, more dangerously and more expensively, in rail and truck.
Bush was a democrat, just a centrist one instead of the all the extreme left that we have now.
Yep, but then gas was only expensive under Bush for about 6 months just before the election....
Very typical clueless liberal response. You have no functioning brain so you just post mindless drivel. You are just sad.
HUGE Nope. They are NOT on-the-job, unless you consider that they are working for the union, in which case it would be the union who is responsible. Then the question is, does the union carry workers comp for these “workers” to which this person would then be entitled.
The UAW could care less about the workers or their safety/livelihood, just so long as they keep getting their dues...
Not paying some thug protection money for nothing...
Unions only DECREASE the quality of life and jobs. Everything that the unions were founded for is now guaranteed by the giovernment.
Actually, in the mid 20th century unions were a good thing and had many positive effects. NOW, unions have very few positive effects, they are not actually representing what is best for their members, they are simply fleecing them to line their pockets and increase their power. I have seen it personally in companies…
This is what you get when you elect liberals to run your state. It has NOTHING to do with emissions or safety and everything to do with politics and control.