
Get a live trap, and get them fixed at the local spay/neuter event. :) Problem solved. (according to a friend)...

Yeah, I didn’t understand the scale for Urgency. Does High mean it takes longer or it can be competed quickly? Low rhymes with slow so that’s all I need to confuse me :/

Does nobody check placements of graphics? o.O (ref plane tweet)

Perfect timing for those of us in North Carolina! Thanks!

No lie. A bro at work downloaded the ReadyNC app so he could go find the flooded areas :/ #naturalselection

Take all the stars.

They cancelled yesterday afternoon but did announce last night that they rescheduled for November. So now we will get an ice/snow storm that we can blame on them. ;)

Great list!

Charlotte NC here. We’re battening down the hatches and preparing for LOTS of rain (30" forecast so far).... I’ve got my sites getting their generators and fuel in place and reviewing their emergency action plans. Customers around the world don’t care about our weather - they want their widgets!

This. A friend’s wedding was scheduled this weekend on Chincoteague Island, and they just cancelled cancelled it. Too many people coming in from all over the east coast to risk trying to fly/drive TO the beach.

THIS. I cut off my toxic mother years ago. No regrets. My brother and sister? Wish they had done the same (although they still can but don’t) and are envious of me.

No. The perfect cheese board is empty because it is all in mah belly!

Uh, yeah, the kids’ clothes...

Thanks! I’ll look at them, too!

Happy Anniversary!

Sorry about that! (((hugs))) 

Yes because that’s how horror movies start! When we lived in the woods, we were dumb enough to watch The Strangers (2008) one night. The next morning (while it was still dark out), Mr Safety was walking the dog before he went to work. He freaked out at every little sound in the woods. Justifiably so.