A lot of great ideas! Thanks!
A lot of great ideas! Thanks!
Yeah, not much you can do when they specify the place :/
I don’t know how to say this without coming off like a jackwagon but how about you only buy gift cards for things/services the recipient is actually going to use?
I remember a Mad magazine cartoon “Infernophobia: Fear of being hit from behind while driving a Pinto.” Good times. Wish I could find it to post here.
A nail gun! Too funny! All the stars are for @literaledgelord
This. Also, research that shows hands free is just as distracting because the same part of the brain is used for driving and holding a conversation. Also, more and more car consoles are getting more and more complicated and distracting.
Yes. Much research that shows hands free is just as distracting because the same part of the brain is used for driving and holding a conversation.
Saw it this weekend. Great movie!So many good scenes, lines, shots! Can’t wait to see it on demand so I can rewind and memorize the best bits
I’ve always used a tennis ball and a wall. Don’t use a golf ball against a wall unless you know how to fix the dimples in the drywall. According to my friend :/
I’ve always used a tennis ball and a wall. Don’t use a golf ball against a wall unless you know how to fix the…
$90 but not sure if drumsticks are included (if not they’re another $19)
Congratulations on your engagement!
A. That’s all we had in the 80s, and
I agree! But there are people who don’t have paid sick leave, vacation, personal time off, and if they don’t work, they don’t get paid.
Knowing who has “hand” is very important in life...