Good for you! I am counting down to 62-1/2 and I’m outta here! Only 8-1/2 years to go :)
Yup. I volunteered at both the men’s and the women’s in 2014 at Pinehurst (ironically enough as emergency evacuation crew). It was about $150 for the Ralph Lauren shirts, jacket, and caps, plus attending a mandatory volunteer’s meeting for an hour or two. A good experience though!
And just how does one get them these days? for research...and asking for a friend...
I saw the photo and read “Budgies” not “Bidets” so here I am...
Great article! I really enjoyed this episode (of course I say that after each one so far)!
Thanks :)
Youtube blocked at work >:( Is it
Seriously, they better ask the right questions and not fuck this up >:(
Came here to say this: The fire department will usually be the ones to disconnect it. The police might, but the fd has the tools and ppe.
Thank you!
This. I hate congestion and traffic with a passion that scares Mr. Safety lol
He’s allegedly an OFFICER. I want stories from his subordinates like yesterday!
I haven’t been on fb in so long I doubt I remember my password...should really just delete the account but lazy...
Good for you! (((hugs)))