Whatever you use, keep it in the fridge (not the whole plant, just the “leaf”? “spear”?)
Whatever you use, keep it in the fridge (not the whole plant, just the “leaf”? “spear”?)
OR create a profile to watch episodes ahead of your husband because reasons...
It’s not a tumuh...
Ticks also like to jump down on us from overhead branches and vines, and jump sideways from shrubbery. Wear a hat or check your hair...or stay inside...
Starring for Avon’s Skin-So-Soft. Can’t speak to anything else...
Starring for Avon’s Skin-So-Soft. Can’t speak to anything else...
Thank you!
I love this stuff! Green gold!
I love this stuff! Green gold!
Off topic for detox teas but on topic for celebrity endorsements. I had insomnia last night and could swear on a stack of whatever that I saw Tori Spelling endorsing a psychic hotline. I was not hallucinating, honest!
THANKS! (LUV your unicorn)
Yes. When you get notified, you have until the end of the day to report and give a sample. However the lab doesn’t watch or stay in the bathroom so I got that going for me.
Or a Class K extinguisher (but a lot more expensive). Also, where is your fire extinguisher? Buried under the sink? Make sure it is accessible and, if it doesn’t work or put out the fire, make sure the fire does not block your exit out of the home.
Thanks so much! Planning a road trip to a MM state and trying to figure out how to use it and not get caught in a random at work or at the doctors :/ My friend that is...
Instead of focusing on when injuries occur, can we focus on preventing them? I’m all for first aid but would like to see more about what we need to do to avoid it. Eliminating the hazard should be the first thought. PPE is “the last line of defense” for a reason. A little “Hierarchy of hazard control” for ya:
What about fibromyalgia? Any recommendations? Asking for a friend...
So glad you found relief! I am heading to yet another pain management doctor today for my fibro. I’ve just started the narcotics route and am very unhappy about it. Mr Safety and I are seriously considering moving to a MM state so I can pursue this type of treatment.
I do but people don’t check attendees’ availability where I work :/ I’ve tried to propose alternate times but get no response. I don’t think they understand how Outlook works (and manners, they don’t understand manners either lol)
Great article! I am scheduling lunch today :)