
I find UfYH very helpful. It is a great methodology, and the only app I’ve ever paid for.

Good article. Adulting is hard, and some of us didn’t have good role models growing up.

What is this “leftovers” you are speaking of?

Came here to say this!

FWIW, The Fortune 500 corporation I worked for often share their video with the police to help with police investigations (we had a central station that had feeds that covered city streets). They said it was part of being a good member of the community. (shrugs)

I would do this but require more upkeep after a workout than a 10 minute shower. #firstworldproblems

or a woman who was the opposite of SJ (not skinny and pretty).

This. My favorite part of exercising is when I am finished. I don't get the "high" that everyone talks about. I get hot and sweaty and sore. Grrr Hulk smash!

Exactly. Make a decision: Right or wrong. If it's right, remember to do the same thing next time. If it's wrong, don't do that next time. Ugh!


You say that like it’s a bad thing.

In my case, it was MORE fun! I got to attend a building code conference in October 2011 because no one else from my agency wanted to fly a month after 9/11. To Orlando FL. Where one day was scheduled at Disney World. So I took one for the team LOL

(((hugs))) At least they taught us how NOT to treat other people.

Great timing! I just returned from lunch with 1/2 a Reuben sammich and fries.

AND read Consumer Reports.



+All the internet points! (((hugs)))

Thanks! I’ll try that :)

I’m a Safety, Health, and Environment Manager. It involves a lot of people skills to educate people about how to stay safe and healthy at work. People don’t know what they don’t know. I also enjoy the technical research to find out what the code says and what science says. Thanks for asking :)