
Thanks for this! I’m going to try it :)

COTD and +1000 internet points

Yes, but be prepared to frog whatever you have done ;)

(((hugs))) Show them how you've owned it, ask for a plan to go forward, and hope for the best. good luck!

Thank you! The daily attention is something that I cannot provide without hiring someone (hence, I am currently without chickens). Great reference book :)

All good! And don't forget to protect your face and stay hydrated!

Thanks for the safety article!

i'll have to look at workflowy hmmmm

But I do like your idea of saving to do lists (because I hoard um save no collect research yes research)!

Needs more cowbell

Thank you! I am going to do some research and revisit this with Mr Safety. Mmmmm fresh eggs...

List of things to convince Mr Safety to do with me: Chicken coop, beehive(s), couple goats (to eat the kudzu and maybe use hair/fur/fiber), put up another bat house....

I haven't looked for an app, although I could use ColorNotes to keep lists...hmmm...

Mr. Safety HAD to have a manual when it was time to replace his Toyota Corolla with (you guessed it) another Toyota Corolla. He had a tough time finding one, much less getting to a dealer within an hour of us. The dealership was NOT happy that he insisted on a manual, and he was the one who did all the work to find

Please do! I don't know what it is about human nature that gives us tunnel vision so we only see what is NOT done. For me, it takes a conscious act to widen my horizon and view my accomplishments to help put things in perspective.

One very helpful habit: Keep a work journal. I use a calendar to jot down what I accomplished during the day. When I feel overwhelmed or discouraged, I go through my calendar to review how I AM making a difference.

I find cooking very Zen. I practice mindfulness and really enjoy the process.

It's March 14: Steak and BJ Day

Great tips! Also, don't be afraid to paint one wall another color, and pick up that color in the next room. Play with trim and door colors, too! What's the worst that can happen? You don't like it so you have to repaint it?