My heart is shitting my diaper

I might not know what went on in his head, but I can sure as hell tell you what was going through it

She’s not going to fuck you, bro

Thanks for being one more person to cover this dipshit.

My god, it’s almost like they have a large stable of writers with diverse opinions!

“I’m not even mad, it’s actually funny to me”

Yeah dude, literally the first fucking thing in his post was addressing your inevitable comment

*extremely exaggerated fart sound*

Come stop me bitch

It is if you read more carefully.

Holy shit drew, thank you for opening up the Pandora’s box of asshole steak snobs in the comments

Eh, Rand Paul can gargle my balls

I’m glad I don’t have to be the first person on here to tell you that you’re extremely close to figuring this out if you just keep working at it.

When you get the itemized bill for someone else’s abortion, I’ll be all ears to your plight. Until then, go fuck yourself.

That’s only true if you never leave your hotel.

Came here to say this and you beat me to it.

Here’s an idea: log off the internet for a few hours and go outside. Meet some people, be social. It’s really not as scary as your echo chamber makes it out to be. Yes, there are a ton of creepy assholes in powerful positions. But it’s okay to detach from the news cycle every now and then, you will be shocked at how

“dotard” is the new “drumpf,” and that’s not a good thing

You sound like a blast.

Thanks, nerd

Did you read the article joseph