
Tough group for Man U


Chargers are being criticized because they are arguing over what amounts to chump change to them, and in doing so are hurting their product that they present to the fans, for seemingly very little reason.

There is no “market” for these players. “Market” implies that he could sign with another team, but that the “current market” will not give him the deal he wants. It is not a “market”, so what happened to the player before and after him doesnt matter. It only matters if he can reach a deal with the Chargers. What

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There is this video of him breaking hardcore holly’s neck.

Is it just an encyclopedia brown joke? Or is there more? Does it have something to do with Univision buying Deadspin?

Just putting it out there.... He was apparently urged very emphatically by hardliners to withdraw from the match. He certainly might be scared for his life or his family’s life, and the snub was not due to a personal unsportsmanship, but rather a fear that the image of him shaking hands with an Israeli would trigger

Who has ignored the possibility completely with Hosszu? The NYtimes wrote an article before the games even started about how she has “become a completely different swimmer” and a “maniac in the weight room”, which is just code for steroids...

If it was a Russian or Chinese or Eastern European balding 19 year old with an enlarged forehead who was breaking world records by a few seconds, I am sure the press would be equally silent with respect to doping allegation...