
Mostly, he (Castro) killed them because there was an ongoing war which repeatedly was targeting him for death. Like, yeah, if an artist, poet, doctor, lawyer, teacher, etc. was actively planning, training, and receiving money from the government of North Korea to kill the US president, what is it that you think the US

So? Rudy Guliani has been dead way longer than two years and he’s about to be Sec of State.

There are 50 people in my office building better looking that the people on that list. That is a sad showing, if its actually a real list and not just people who paid to get on it.

Its a Berlusconi Netanyahu mix

They will make the same amount of money, they will just raise the price of everything.

Agree, but wait until a Katrina/Deepwater Horizon/etc. type thing happens. Then we will see his leadership...

Anyone with evidence of a Trump affair (and we know those people exist) and/or tape of him saying something extremely offensive (and we know those tapes exist) just got incredibly powerful. That $5M “leak fee” or whatever it was on the Apprentice tapes just became negligible. There will be a lot of scandal coming out.


Elbow in and high release... I think you found it.

But your Aston depreciated ~ $10K during that time period, so you didnt really “make $4K”.

Where, exactly, did anyone challenge Univision’s right to spike whatever stories they want, for whatever reason?

A lot of it is about context.

It’s not hugely racist, but it is definitely not “one of the most culturally diverse cities in the country” by a long stretch.


Generations of segregation, specifically in housing (which continues today in a major way) and education (which continues today, although much attenuated), is the factor most responsible for the black on black crime....

Remember— getting drunk in the parking lot, eating out some obese girls ass, throwing up your cincinnatti chilli all over the tailgate tent, standing dizzily for 2 minutes for the national anthem, then continuing to get black out while cheering on human gladiators violently ruining each others health is more

Wasn’t Bravo hurt for a while last year, and Ter Stegen didnt look so hot?

The chargers can not trade him, there is a moratorium on rookie trades. You could have seen that in your Yahoo! link if you had read it. If they COULD trade him there would be some semblance of a market. Rosenhaus works (mostly) with free agents (or at least athletes that, in the near future, will be free agents).

“Not being in charge” and “having zero leverage, ZERO” dont mean the same thing. He has leverage— he can accept the deal or not, that is his leverage. It doesnt mean he is in charge, it just means he has some leverage.

He has leverage. You just said what that is— he doesnt play for them. The chargers dont get his services. The chargers are worse because of it. That is not “zero leverage, ZERO.” That is leverage.

Nobody said the Chargers are doing anything illegal.