
It’s an amazingly deep and fun game. My 9 year old and 15 year old daughters are having a blast exploring. Even my 43 year old wife, who doesn’t play games at all, loves going around and collecting things, opening up the map, etc. The long and short is, it’s probably one of the best, biggest, most fun, and most

Nude chess, with all buttholes gaped open, is the only solution here. 

I’m not a regular CoD player, but I have played in the past. Any action game that requires you to stare at a minimap is lame. It always sucks to feel like “oh I didn’t know that guy was there cause I wasn’t staring up at the corner of the screen”.

I’ll start this by saying that anyone is free to feel insulted by whatever they feel insulted by. But I - an Asian-American living in a third world country - really think this criticism is stretching a bit.

Sorry you didn’t type that in French. Your opinion is worthless.

Just normal Quebec.

I agree with all of this. Some people aren’t considering that their team grew so much during TLOU Part II’s development that, even with multiple new projects in development, they had a lot of staff that would’ve had to be let go if they hadn’t given them something else to work on. That’s part of the reason why this

I wanted to comment on the announcement as I brought this up on the Max Payne 1/2 announcement but studios employ 100s of people and firing a bunch of your workforce due to a lack of projects is always a huge concern. Not to mention you could always do some kind of softball not-really-a-game for a system’s launch

In what way was the original Silent Hill goofy (outside of the silly, non-canonical secret endings that weren’t part of the actual gameplay)? The only thing I can think of is the slightly off-kilt voice acting, but in reality - whether intentional or not (I believe it was entirely intentional in SH2) - slightly wonky

No mention of one of the top-tier replies in the comments of the twitter post?

Faro is one of the best villains in a video game ever, and you don’t interact with him a single time, it’s incredible.  The sheer narcissism he displays to the very end and how the game parcels that out to you is just amazing work.

The “gotcha” is that they can’t take a pile of money for doing nothing? Cry me a f’ing river.

Perhaps you should have actually watched the film before judging the entire content and story solely based on runtime.

Because Microsoft is making formerly non-exclusive series exclusive. It’s a huge difference.

Capitalism has lifted eighteen billion hojillion people out of poverty!” I say as I step over the homeless on the street who are definitely only there of their own personal decisions and no systemic reasons whatsoever.

And as we all know after the events of January 6th Capitalism never leads to fascism it only leads to rainbows and butterfly kisses.

So... a guy who doesn’t even work for Blizzard anymore, goes on a right-wing Discord and post some stuff Kotaku writers don’t agree with. Quick, write a story with the Blizzard logo as the main image.

Actors and musicians give the same kind of speech in award shows all the time and are praised. Keighley does it and everyone violently “NAME NAMES!!!”

he did something, much more in fact that pretty much any entity has up to this point, on a world wide stage giving eyes and ears and you want to say it’s not enough?

What’s funny is he makes fun of you specifically in the special. If you watched the entire special (sounds like you didn’t) and came away with, “Dave is transphobic”, then I don’t know what you were watching. I laughed, I cried, I empathized with multiple parties. This was stand-up at its highest level and i pity you