
Um... there are TV shows where people turn into animals or monsters or... I think it could be done...

Why not have a different actor play the pretransition scenes? They do it for flashback scenes where people are younger.

Thank you; I needed that laugh to wash the rage away.

Well I think you’re dreamy and please don’t ever stop expressing your opinions!

Your politics, I love them. The highest of fives to you.

Guys that whine about their height zzzzz. Guys who won’t date women taller than them double zzzzz. I’m a short dude (5’5). I’m trans so it tends to come with the territory. It hasn’t caused any problems in the dating world for me, at least not that I’ve been aware of. I’ve dated women who were taller, shorter, exactly

Just curious: why are you making a distinction between cis and trans guys here?

Yes please!

A relation of Caity’s?

That is one of the worst pictures of her I have ever seen.

I almost want him to get elected. Like in a watch the world burn kind of way. Like wanting the zombie apocalypse to happen. Also how many years do you think we have until the American presidency is just an elaborate reality TV show? Like 10 maybe?

My thought exactly. The cabin owners were assuradly spying on the gueats while furiously masturbating (PS, feeling very proud of the fact that my autocorrect didn’t recognize “masturbating”).

When I get home to my little 4 pound mutt I scoop that adorable mother fucked up and we hug and kiss each other on the cheeks. He switches his head from side to so I’m sure to get both cheeks/sides of his neck. It’s basically the best thing ever.

Why is this worth covering? This seems like a salacious attention grab by Gawke. Like “ooo, everyone look at the tranny!” Sad.

Ah, you mean this friend here?

I miss Mellow Mushroom. Those soft pretzels...

Don’t feel bad; It could be worse. I thought ponies were baby horses for an embarrassingly long time


I’m interested to hear from people with first hand experience: how did the reception of transmen compare to the reception of transwomen?