
I’m 13 weeks pregnant with a baby I desperately wanted and just discovered the poor little thing has an abnormality which, if I try to carry to term, will likely result in stillbirth or a short and agonizing life for it, and possible death for me. My state barely allows abortion so I have to drive my pregnant, still

‘As I’ve said before, black folks have been left behind economically yet we never had a hankering for fascism.’

I think I’m having hysterics because I laughed at this until I had actual tears.

Or in my case, my husband’s boss. To my face. Cuz I’m Chinese.

Would this fit under a seat? Or is it an overhead bin type carry on? Thanks!

Would this fit under a seat? Or is it an overhead bin type carry on? Thanks!

I like the way you think.

I would like to make sweet love to this comment, please and thank you.

I read this as ‘I was an idiot living in a conservative frog’ and the mental image us 10/10

So much this.

this story is harrowing and I am so glad your parents believed you! I also had a 3rd grade teacher who hated me. Cannot explain it to this day, but it was scarring. So my 3rd grade inner child would like to offer your 3rd grade inner child a hug.

Absolutely howling at this .gif

I like you so much.

It does, at least a little. I’m not sure the scope is the same, I think generally scholars acknowledge that women of color did have a more limited role in British suffrage. From a New Statesman article yesterday:

aha, I found the film name: Iron Jawed Angels, it has a terrific sequence where some white suffragette tries to tell Ida B. Wells why black women shouldn’t march, and Wells SHUT THAT DOWN. Fabulous movie, 10/10 would recommend.

Lots of black women were prominent suffragettes in the US! Ida B. Wells comes to mind, but there were many, many others. There was a fantastic film made a few years ago that does not whitewash, will try to look it up later and let you know the name.

Hmm. My understanding is it totally whitewashes prominent Indian suffragettes. A lot of people are mad about it. Am on my phone, or would provide links.

Pretty much the definition of white male privilege...they don’t have to pay attention to politics :/

‘Thank you to Mother And Father for raising us/caring for us.’

They look like Celine from the three dots (unless they have 4 in which case they are Chloe.)

Living with your mama after you get married is pretty common in Chinese culture. My parents almost got divorced over it, and my (Chinese) mother cried tears of joy for me when I didn’t marry a Chinese man.