Oh the upgrade system was a delicious slice of baffling Japanese game design, featuring runes burned into each weapon etc. etc. I’m pretty sure FromSoftware was directly inspired by this game.
Oh the upgrade system was a delicious slice of baffling Japanese game design, featuring runes burned into each weapon etc. etc. I’m pretty sure FromSoftware was directly inspired by this game.
If Zack Snyder passionately cared about these characters, then he wouldn’t have consistently made choices that ran counter to the values of the comics. Choices made solely to provoke, for no good reason. Killing Jimmy Olsen in BvS when any nameless CIA goon could have filled in that role. Pairing a naive and clueless…
That weapons upgrade system! So much fun. My favorite Dreamcast game.
Record of Lodoss War. I’m amazed no one’s ever ported it. Very entertaining Diablo-like adventure game, with an elaborate weapons upgrade system.
That’s when I gave up on this show -- when Carrie opted to blubber and scream rather than perform effective CPR on a clearly still-living Big.
I’ll never understand why people give Halo 5 grief because Master Chief has to share the spotlight, when the series did the exact same thing in its second outing by splitting time between the Chief and the Arbiter. It strikes me as kind of a dumb “everyone else is saying this, so it’s true” argument. I very recently…
I simply don’t like that I can’t talk my way out of a fight in Fallout 4. Every encounter with a potential enemy will end in someone drawing down. That’s just bad RPG craftsmanship, compared with Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas, where charisma stats counted for something.
Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge. Obviously. Hands-down. Amazing arcade aerial shooter. Never produced a sequel, for no good reason I can tell. Can’t wait to play this again, especially if there’s multiplayer.
Do you guys ever check these links before they go up?
Do you guys ever check these links before they go up?
I have yet to ever click on one of these deals and find it still in effect. This one is dead, and it hasn’t even been up an hour. You might want to rethink this feature, because all it’s providing now is annoyance.
I have yet to ever click on one of these deals and find it still in effect. This one is dead, and it hasn’t even…
Glad you included his Jonah Hex in your retrospective! I loved what he did with that character, and it was great that DC had him illustrate the final story in that long, wonderful Gray/Palmiotti run on the character. His take on the Spirit also was incredible, particularly the Batman/Spirit one-shot he did. Cooke was…
And here the troll reveals him/herself. Nothing to see here. Move along.
So much this. Dark Souls II and III have made it really easy to get co-op help. Human effigies/Embers are plentiful and easily harvested. The online process of summoning phantoms is so much easier than it was in the original Dark Souls. Dark Souls II even added the Ring of Life/Soul Protection, which was basically…
Dark Souls 3 is kind of a buggy mess compared to the first two. The online component is frustrating as hell. I have to reboot my Xbox One about every other time to get the update to download. I really hope that From addresses these problems, because I really want to like this game but it’s annoying the devil out of me.
Superman is VERY inexperienced in Snyder’s films. Consider: he never outwardly used his powers in combat until the events of Man of Steel, and rarely used them in secret. BvS takes place 18 months after MoS. How much practical experience would you expect him to gain in a year and a half?
I think that you should judge the movies on their own merit, rather than viewing them through the lens of whatever douchey interview Zack Snyder has given. blue-haired_lawyer has accurately and perfectly captured what I saw in these movies — a callow and inexperienced Superman who hasn’t figured out how to fulfill his…
Batman V. Superman was a much better movie than Avengers: Age of Ultron, which was much less coherent and way less enjoyable and yet for some reason got 75 percent from reviewers on RottenTomatoes. I think last week was a clear example of media folks falling into the same line of thinking so they can all be in the…
The difference between the awful New 52 and previous reboots like Crisis on Infinite Earths, Zero Hour and Infinite Crisis is that those previous efforts respected the work that had come before and integrated it into the new reality. The Question, Blue Beetle and Captain Marvel post-Crisis were still The Question,…
I have no idea why continuity is so daunting to some. The charm of old-DC books like Birds of Prey, Suicide Squad and Secret Six came specifically from each of the characters having a backstory (Oracle’s past as Batgirl, Rick Flagg’s connection to the original Suicide Squat, Catman’s past as a schlub). Remove the…